Үндсэн » 2011 » February » 13
+showscores - Shows the scores.
+speed - This is how you creep or walk. net_graph 1
- This shows your fps, network latency, up & downstream bandwidth,
and your client and server update rate. net_graph 0 turns it off,
net_graph 3 shows the info without the graph and saves some fps. fps_max - This is your max fps, set it to 100.
cl_showfps - This shows your FPS, default is 0 off, and 1 is on. Better than netgraph for saving FPS.
Crosshair Adjuster Alias - This adjusts the Crosshair color in game.
alias cross "adjust_crosshair"
bind "=" "cross"
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Нэг даралтаар duck хийх болон duck-лах болгондоо онилгооны өнгө өөрчлөгддөг болгох скрипт.
bind "space""+dd alias "+dd""+duck;wait;-duck;wait;+duck; adjust_crosshair” alias "-dd""-duck; adjust_crosshair”
Баруун зүүн гартаа автоматаар солигддог болгох. bind a "+moveleft;cl_righthand 0" bind d "+moveright;cl_righthand 1" Энэ 2 кодыг хийвэл баруун тийшээ болохоор баруун гартаа, зүүн тийшээ болохоор зүүн гартаа буугаа барьдаг болгох код юм. bind c "cl_righthand 0" bind v "cl_righhand 1" bind x "cl_righhand 0" bind c "cl_righhand 1" Харин энэ бол x,c болон c,v дарахаар баруун зүүн гарт нь ордог код.
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alias +moodyhop "alias _special @moodyhop;@moodyhop" alias -moodyhop "alias _special" alias @moodyhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump" bind space +moodyhop
wow i found bunnyhop script. wait, what is bunnyhop?! hahah just kidding. thank to moody